
Monday, January 26, 2009

Bloggy Giveaways Carnival

Hello Everyone! Thanks for stopping by my blog. :) This is the 4th Carnival I've participated in and I have a great time each and every time. For those of you who are new visitors to Modern Mama's Fabulous Favorites, let me give you a quick intro. My name is Diana and I'm married to a wonderful man and we have 2 very silly girls, Emilee and Grace. I'm a christian and I love Jesus. I recently lost 87 lbs on Weight Watchers and hope to become a lifetime member this year. When I'm not blogging I run a business called The Emilee Grace Company. We sell hip and trendy products for mom and baby. I'm participating in the Bloggy Giveaways Carnival over at the Emilee Grace blog so click HERE to enter that giveaway.

Okay, now that that's out of the way, onto the reason you really stopped by - the giveaway! Modern Mama's Fabulous Favorites is giving away this beautiful Lia Sophia necklace, a $64 value.

Here's what you need to know to enter:

  • US Residents ONLY
  • You do NOT need to be a blogger to enter but you NEED to leave an email address so that I can contact you if you win. All annonymous entries and entries without contact information will be deleted. Sorry. :(
  • For additional entries you can follow, subscribe or blog list Modern Mama's just be sure to let me know that you did so that I can give you extra credit. :)
  • Winner will be announced on Saturday, January 31.

Enjoy the Carnival and thanks SO MUCH for stopping by!

The Golden Rule of Blogging: Comment unto others as you would have them comment unto you.


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Kristina P. said...

I didn't know you lost 87 pounds! That's great!

And that necklace is beautiful so count me in!

Melinda said...

Congrats on your weight loss! That is quite an achievement.

The necklace is beautiful. Count me in as well. Plus I am a follower (I love your blog).

Melinda at Bloggin' It From The 'Burbs.

jen@odbt said...

87! That is inspirational. Congrats.

What a beautiful necklace. So glad to have found you and your blog.

Sage said...

What a fantastic necklace!! Congratulations on your weight loss!

MrsSuperDave said...

Diana you rock! You and your 87lb weight loss are an inspiration to me! I hope I can have success like that this year! Love ya woman!

Oh wow that necklace is gorgeous! I'm so gonna win! lol

Angie said...

What a great necklace... to 87 pounds... awesome!!!

Bre said...

I'm new to blogging and have LOVED your blog. Thanks for sharing. Losing 87 lbs is amazing.

April said...

Beautiful necklace. Thanks for the chance to win.

Kjl2003 said...


Please enter me. I necklace is gorgeous!!!!
I am going to sign up to follow this blog also.


Shawnee said...

Oh, I love Lia Sophia jewelry. Congrats on your weight loss, and thanks for a great giveaway.

Dawn said...

thanks for the chance and great job on the weight!

sunup928 at yahoo dot com

mar said...

Beautiful necklace - thank you for the giveaway!

lilac100 said...

Please enter me. It's a beautiful necklace. 87lbs is what I aspire too. I've lost about 50 but I'm still way to big to make me happy. Congratulations on your achievement.

Kim said...

Congratulations on your weight loss!
The necklace is beautiful!

Anonymous said...

I have a few Lia Sophia necklaces and bracelets and bought a little silver pony necklace for my grandaughter - very pretty and nice quality. Would love this one!! Great job on your weight loss. I recently lost quite a bit of weight - mostly due to stress, though, not through any efforts on my part. In the past, I tried and failed, so I admire someone who has "done the job" herself and succeeded!!

Diana@SugarRidge said...

Great giveaway, wow, you have done a really good job to lose that weight. Thanks for the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

great blog and great giveaway! hope i win the necklace!

Anonymous said...

and i am now a follower for an extra entry!

mickeyfan said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Roseann K. said...

Congrats! Thanks for the giveaway. They have beautiful jewelry.

jdine said...

Hope to win the beautiful necklace!

Denise S. said...

This is beautiful and I love the colors too!

Miss Spoken said...

Beautiful work.

KLM39 said...

You are now my personal hero. I am trying to lose 80 lbs by dieting. I have no weight watchers near me. I was going to try Slim Quick. This necklace is beautiful, please accept my entry and my sincere congratulations to you. You should be incredibly proud.

jenny12345 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jenny12345 said...

pretty necklace id love to win it!

Sarah said...

Wow! 87 lbs. Congrats! Beautiful necklace too :)

Stephanie said...

Cute store and i love the necklace. It is beautiful!

Mamushi Love said...

Congratulations on your weight loss! I lost 32lbs since last year, and I know how wonderful you must feel to accomplish it.

Also, thanks for the chance to win such a beautiful item.


Anonymous said...

That means you get a whole new wardrobe now. Lucky you.

Gina said...

That's a beautiful necklace!

mindy said...

that is an amazing weight loss thanks for the giveaway

Unknown said...

Congrats on your weightloss! And thats a beautiful necklace. Thanks for entering me!
unforgetable_dreamer_always AT hotmail DOT com

Anonymous said...

I really like that necklace very beautiful

Wade's World said...

Congrats on your weight loss. That's amazing!

Such a beautiful necklace...

Anonymous said...

congrats on the weight loss, and what a wonderful necklace
KawaiiNeko2008 (at) aol (dot) com

Jennifer said...

Congratulations on your weight loss, I am currently doing Weight Watchers as well! Thanks for the giveaway, the necklace is really pretty!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the weight loss! That is excellent. I am queenesperfect at

Angela C said...

Congrats on losing 87 lbs.I hope I can do as well as you.Thanks for the giveaway!
angelacisco at

Dar said...

I saw "Lia Sophia" and stopped dead in my tracks. I love Lia Sophia. Please count me in!

louiseb130 said...

Wow, congrats on a graet achievement!

mverno said...

love to have this

susan1215 said...

Nice necklace

grace said...

I love Lia Sophia! Enter me, please!

janeh said...

such a lovely necklace.......thanks for the giveaway!

Kimberly said...

87 pounds? Wow! What an achievement. Congratulations!

Thanks for the chance to win this beaut of a necklace!

Anonymous said...

Congrats and that has to be exciting to loose that much.

coliebear said...

I would love to win this!! Pretty colors.

idahomom said...

Congrats on your weight loss. Any secrets that you would like to share. Thanks for the chance.

Lynne said...

The necklace is quite unusaul and I'd love to win it.

The Blessed Bee said...

Wow! That's a beautiful necklace. Good luck to everyone!!!

Katrina said...

beautiful necklace!

Brn2lisn said...

Wow congratulations on such a successful weightless journey! I am praying that I can get focused and obtain my lifetime goal ,.. that necklace is gorgeous.

brn2lisn (at) gmail (dot) com

Aisling said...

Congratulations on your weight loss - that's marvelous. The necklace is lovely, too, and I'd love to win.

ky2here said...

Good for you and the positive changes in your life. Please include me in your necklace contest.

Niki said...

I love jewelry that is unique

tomgibson38 said...

My daughter would love this!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous necklace! Thanks for the chance to win it! And congrats on the weight loss!

kathy55439 said...

87 pounds great job.....

Anonymous said...

Pretty necklace!

fancyfeet48 said...

that is an amazing weight loss thanks for the giveaway

Unknown said...

Would love to win this lovely necklace!

Denice P- doozercries said...

what beautiful shades of blue in the necklace. thank you for the chance to win.

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your weight lost. It's not easy to do.

hafner611 {AT} gmail {DOT} com

malleycc said...

Congrats on the weight loss. I need to start on that.

jeannie said...

I love Lia Sophia's jewelry. Congrats on your great mommy site and including some unique and organic items.

Unknown said...

I love Lia Sophia! Enter me, please!

Anonymous said...

Very pretty. Congrats on the weight loss.

Erin Lowmaster said...

That's wonderful about your weight less! Just shows anyone can do what they set out to if they put their mind to it :)

ariyana9501 said...

Congrats on the wonderful achievement! Thanks also for the great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

How cute.


way to go on the weight!

Re said...

congrats on your achievement!!

I'm having so much fun making friends and blog-hopping again this year.

Thanks for such a generous giveaway! I hope I'm chosen as the lucky winner!!!

Re said...

i follow

Allikaye's Mama said...

Ooooh! Pick ME!! I love that necklace!

MoMologette said...

Great blog! Congrats on the new you!! I need that inspiration. That necklace is really beautiful. I'll have to check out your other blog too. :)

Nicole A.

Michelle said...

Thanks for an awesome giveaway and the chance to win!

angie said...

Congrats to you on the weight loss!

That is a pretty necklace~thank you

cookiert said...

Beautiful necklace! Would love to win!

Laura said...


catriona_sweeps said...

What an amazing success story you have. Keep it up!

divaqueenie said...

Way to Go! Thanks for sharing this lovely necklace with us!

simply_unique said...

Congrats on your weight loss and thanks for the giveaway!

Ken said...

My sister would love this. Please accept my entry. Thank you.

Sheila Hickmon said...

Great job on losing weight!!

Sheila Hickmon said...

Im following now!!

taysmommy said...

what an inspiration! congrats on the weight loss!

wendy wallach said...

Lia Sophia is getting to be very well kmown and has beautiful items.

madamerkf at aol dot com

Crunchy Green Mom - Suzanne said...

How did I miss your weight loss? Goodness.. I feel horrible because I visit you everday!

Bad llama...

I will pay more attention.. Congrats!! Good girl! You deserve a necklace.


NetWorking Witches said...

Please enter me. :)

Alibi said...

That necklace is really pretty! Thank You for giving us the chance to win it!

Also congrats on your weight loss, that is quite an accomplishment.

Darcy said...

Congratulations on your amazing weight loss!

The necklace is lovely. Thank you for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

Congrats on the wonderful weight lose.

Carol EL said...

Nice prize,enter me please.

Sharon said...

great prize...thanks for entry...and congrats re wonderful weight loss!

Sharon said...

am a follower

Jean said...

What an inspiration you are, thank you

sweepmom said...

Beautiful necklace.

I hope you reach your goal this year.

shakerbaby said...

The necklace is FANTASTIC! I would love it! m04taes(at)Verizon(dot)net

An iMperfect wIfe said...

"Weigh" to go!


masonsgranny59 said...

wow way to go on the weight loss :)ty 4 the awesome giveaway and entry:)

scarlette10 said...

Very pretty

Alice said...


Bonnie in FL said...

love the color and style of the necklace its wonderful

toughturtles said...

great neckalace thanks

Karen A. said...

Way to go!! Wish I could lose a few pounds. Please enter me to win the necklace.

ehhogan said...

Great necklace and congrats on the weight loss.

AudreyO said...

Congratulations on the weight loss. I am a lifetime member of WW. Do you remember your first goal? 10%? Way to go!!!!

theamira said...

I love the necklace and great job on losing the weight! theamira 1970 at gmail dot com

Holly said...

Losing weight is not easy. I am wroking towards losing 50 pounds. I have good days and bad days, but I keep at it. I'm down about 12 pounds. All I can do is one day at a time. If you can do it so can I. Thanks!

cathirushing said...

That's a beautiful necklace

Erika said...

Thanks for the giveaway. Your blog is inspirational!

joannaonthelake said...

Hi Diana! It is so nice to "meet" you! Congratulations on losing 87 Pounds on Weight Watchers! That is a huge accomplishment and must have taken so much willpower and control on your part! I wish you all the best with your new appearance and body! Enjoy the thrill of buying some hot new clothes. I have loved Lia Sophia's jewelry for some time now. I have seen it highlighted in several magazines and it would be a dream to actually own one of her treasures to wear. Thank you so much for the opportunity to enter.

joannaonthelake said...

I am now following your Blog. My username is joannaonthelake

I have 3 young children one of which is only 6 months old. I look forward to visiting here often and seeing what you have going on!

joannaonthelake said...

I am now subscribed via email to receive your updates. I made sure to activate my subscription. Thank you!

Annette said...

Congrats on the weight loss! I just love that necklace, it is so beautiful. Count me in.

julis55 said...

The necklace is beautiful.

Vi (pronounced Vy) said...

what a beautiful necklace! i love the blue and how it sparkles.

pookielocks [at] ymail [dot] com

Amanda@Imperfectly Beautiful said...

Hi Diana! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I just wanted to let you know that I'll be posting a tutorial on covering the metal mailbox this afternoon. Also there are a few tutorials in my archives of a clipboard, a paperbag scrapbook, and a paperbag calendar. Hopefully I can make my archives more user friendly soon!


p.s. I LOVE your store...such cute stuff!

vboackle said...

very pretty necklace.

Sue S. said...

I love Lia Sophia...I would always wear it if it weren't for my salary (teacher).....

Sue S. said...

I follow your blog : )

Sue S. said...

And now I subscribe so I won't miss anything!

Rosalynn said...

Beautiful necklace, and congrats on your weight loss! Thanks for the chance to win.
rhbdesigns at hotmail dot com

Stop by my blog for a jewelry giveaway too!

pancak said...

Lovely necklace!

Anonymous said...

That is fabulous. What a great weight loss!

Sunnyvale said...

I like it! Very pretty.

Suzanne said...

Congrats on your weight loss! I LOVE this necklace! Thanks for the chance to win!

Kristy said...

Congratulations on your weight loss. Thanks for the chance to win!


Tara said...

Congrats on your weight loss success! I love WW.

Beautiful necklace--thanks for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

Pretty necklace! Please enter me.

Judy said...

Beautiful necklace. Way to go with your weight loss. Thank you for this giveaway

frozenman20 said...

please enter me in this great contest thanks

Shamrocker99 said...

Your weight loss is incredible. I have about 30 lbs that I need to shed! I love the necklace too! Shamrocker99 at aol dot com

Shamrocker99 said...

I am following your blog! Shamrocker99 at aol dot com

rlgrady said...

You are inspirational! I need to lose 30 lbs. It is a long journey! Thanks for the giveaway.


PAIGE said...

What an outstanding necklace. I just adore it.

Ashley said...

Congrats on your weight loss!

•´.¸¸.•¨¯`♥.Erin.♥´¯¨•.¸¸.´• said...

Holy canoli! 87 pounds is a huge achievement. Congrats, kudos and wow!

That necklace is beautiful, but I'm still reeling about your weight loss. Sheesh! :)

supermax said...

congrats and thanks

Amber said...

Congratulations on your weight loss! Thanks for the giveaway and please enter me.


Anonymous said...

thanks ! hope i win !

luckymatt5 AT gmail DOT com

congrats on losing the weight !

turboterp said...

Congrats, and thanks for this nice giveaway!

D Q said...

Congrats on your weight lose. Lovely giveaway.

JillianV said...

Congrats! It takes a lot of will power to do that!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful necklace.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your weight loss. I'm working out to get healthier this year. The necklace is so unique and pretty. Thank you.

redron said...

congrats on you weight lost. I would sure love to win that beartiful necklace

lyndapolston1975 said...

I just started weight watchers. Stories like yours are an inspiration!


Kristina said...

You have such an inspirational story! The necklace is beautiful, too! Thank you.

Jessica said...

how pretty.
congrats on the weight loss...that is great!

Neen said...

I can only hope that I am as successful in my weight loss journry. I just joined Curves it is a start and gets me exercising. I'd love a chance to win this beautiful necklace.

Tammy said...

Congrats on the weight loss i wish I could get the unction to do that

Lady Roxi said...

Love to have this.


DEBIJOT said...

Great necklace.

DEBIJOT said...

blog follower

Sarah Rose said...

Beautiful necklace!

Reva Skie said...

Congrats on the weight loss. It is a big accomplishment. Be proud of your success.

Jenna said...

That is a really beautiful necklace! Please feel free to enter my give-away (it's not for anything as pretty, but everybody loves hot chocolate, right?).

nanja said...

A gorgeous piece of jewelry . I love the color. Thank you!

Unknown said...

The necklace is so beautiful.


dn6511 said...

87 pounds and a new necklace. Congrats!

terri142 said...

beautiful necklace

mmentor said...

i would make such points with my niece would i give this to her

Gardening Mommy said...

Lovely necklace! Thanks for the chance to win!

Erika Powell said...

pretty necklace count me in!

Erika Powell said...

I'm also a follower

Audra Marie said...

What a gorgeous necklace. :) Thanks for the chance to win it. :)


Gene and Annie said...

Wow, good for you and the weight loss! I have many friends who have lost weight with weight watchers! It seems like a really good program! The necklace is beautiful and blue is my favorite color!!

janetfaye said...

Congratulations on your weight loss!

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...

I follow.

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...


janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

Staci A said...

The necklace looks beautiful! Thanks for the chance to enter.

Congrats on your weight loss!

shaunjoy said...

Thanks for offering this necklace to a lucky winner!


Chantelle said...

congrats!!!!!!!!! Thanks so much for the giveaway!

chantellesabino at mac dot com

Unknown said...

The necklace is lovely! And super-congrats on your weight loss! You rock!!
frog123 (at) cyipcom (dot) net

Gabriel S-J. said...

Please, enter me, great prize!!! I would love to win this.

legab67156 (at) gmail (dot) com

Alaina said...

Very pretty! Congrats in the weight loss!

alainamj AT yahoo DOT com

Heather said...

I'm working on losing weight right now. 30 lbs so far.

I love Lia Sophia jewelry.

cool_zebras at hotmail dot com

Sarah Z said...

I am up to 30 pounds on WW - 10 more to go! The necklace is beautiful!
believedreamcourage (at)

colorfulcarla said...

Congrats on your weightloss! You're the one who deserves a new piece of jewelry. colorfulcarla@

Sarah said...

Very pretty!!

87 pounds? That's amazing!

Julie said...

Congrats on the weight loss!!! I'd settle for half of that. What a beautiful necklace.

lisa@littlesliceoflife said...

Beautiful necklace! Congrats on the weight loss.

megret7 said...

Lovely necklace -- so springy looking!

Thanks for the chance....
musesofmegret (at) gmail (dot) com

Unknown said...

Beautiful necklace.

kenda said...

i am a fellow weight watcher - congrats on your success!! love the necklace.

Anonymous said...

Weight watchers is a great program-congrats on your progress. I hope you make your goal this year!

Beautiful necklace-

DePro said...

Nice prize. Count me in!

A family of boys said...

87 pounds...that awesome! I'm just starting on my journey. You are an inspiration. That necklace is just gorgeous...thanks for the chance.

Anonymous said...

That is a lovely necklace!

ardy22 at

Emily said...

Beautiful necklace!!

Thanks for offering it!

princesslimey (at) gmail (dot) com

valerie2350 said...

congrats on your achievement!

valerie2350 said...


Helena Batt-Vesey said...

What a beautiful necklace. Thanks for the giveaway!

Helena Batt-Vesey said...

I followed.

Becca said...

That necklace is gorgeous, thanks! sbcashortie (at) hotmail (dot) com

Becca said...

I subscribed. sbcashortie (at) hotmail (dot) com

L. K. said...

I'll be happy to do half as well as you did, it's so hard to lose weight. Thanks for the giveaway!

lmillitch (at) gmail (dot) com

Mommyhood is Thankless said...

Congrats on your weight loss!


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